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FAQs for Managers

📄 Using Predictive Placement in recruitment

How could I use your Predictive Placement Solution to foster high-performing teams?

Predictive placement can improve employee engagement, satisfaction, and overall performance by matching candidates to roles where they are more likely to succeed and thrive. This results in a better work environment, increased job satisfaction, higher productivity, and reduced stress for employees.

What are the benefits of using Predictive Placement?

Benefits of using predictive placement over traditional methods include improved hiring efficiency, reduced turnover, increased employee satisfaction and performance, cost savings, and better alignment between employees' skills and the organization's needs.

What is the role profiling survey?

The ploomo Role Profile is a 10-minute assessment that builds a representation of a role, team and organisational structure in order to identify key factors required for highest potential success. It is best completed by an individual who understands the requirements of the role (such as a direct manager, incumbent or Human Resources).

While a type of role might require a range of skills and characteristics to succeed (e.g. a developer requires attention to detail while marketing requires creativity), specific influence of an organisation and team affects a wider set of factors needed (such as adaptability in a start-up). The assessment is an excellent way to identify the core requirements of a role, and how an incumbent, or potential incumbent, fits these characteristics.

How was the role profiling survey created?

Developed on a foundation of leading scientific assessment frameworks, the Role Profiling assessment combines academic research with practical insights from decades of real-world business leaders to bring you valuable insights on characteristics critical to success in a particular role.

The assessment is administered online, and is best completed by an individual who understands the requirements of the role (such as a direct manager, incumbent or Human Resources professional). The assessment takes around 10-minutes to complete, with a range of different style questions assessing the role design, cultural dynamics, team environment and most suitable preferences. Role Profiling questions have been designed to avoid reliance on biased perceptions of a role. Rather, questions are based in objective, factual statements (e.g. number of team members).

The results of the assessment highlight an ideal role preference score across 14 core categories (e.g. Structured and Creative). These are used to identify one of 17 Archetypes that the ideal individual in the role will reflect, derived from an algorithm-based model. The results indicate the best suited Archetype for the role based on the identified ideal preferences an individual would have to be successful in the role (ranging from personal drive and competitiveness to creativity levels, extraversion, and analytical mindedness).

What is the role profiling survey used for?

This tool helps teams gain an insight into the traits required to succeed in any role, and compare these to the traits of an individual. It can be used across a number of situations, such as

  • Recruitment - identify the right fit for your company and role through our predictive hiring model. Find out more here (link to ^ role profiling in recruitment).

  • Freelancers & contractors - don’t spend more time screening an individual than they’ll spend in the role. Use profiling to identify if they’re a suitable fit to your role, team and wider organisation.

  • Development pathways - identify areas of divergence between an incumbents characteristics and those required of the role. Use these to support and develop them for success.

  • Leadership capability - develop the leaders of your organisation by ensuring they have the necessary skills required for future.

  • Promotion decisions - make evidence based, data driven decisions when promoting individuals based on criteria outside skills and experience.

How is the role profiling survey used for recruitment?

Through a combination of rich data and assessment science, we combine Role Profiling with Personal Profiling of candidates to generate a predictive hiring model. ploomo recommends the best-suited candidates to recruiters and hiring managers through smart algorithms trained from hundreds of individual test subjects.

Our online Talent Portal allows hiring managers to easily set up Role Profiling and compare potential candidates profiles to that of the role, indicating their suitability via a FIT score. This score provides insightful information about a candidates' personality, how it will impact their workplace behaviour and whether this fits the requirements of the role. If a candidate matches closely to the role, the system will provide a higher FIT rating, helping recruiters head into interviews with confidence by understanding how candidates relate to others, how they approach and solve problems and how they manage their emotions

By utilising the Role Profile during recruitment, hiring managers can ensure they are selecting the best suited candidates for the role based on attributes identified as critical for success.

Who can complete the role profiling survey?

Generally, Human Resources will complete the role survey or delegate this to a hiring manager or direct manager as required by forwarding the response link. You can request to complete the survey directly with your company’s ploomo administrator.

👥 Building engagement and improving retention

The brain profile can be used to identify the strengths of companies existing employees and affords the opportunity to assess career opportunities and learning development streams suitable for a particular employee based on their brain profile and archetype.

What is engagement?

At ploomo, we define workplace engagement as how connected, excited and positive team members feel within their role. Characterised by absorption, enthusiasm and commitment, engagement is a continuum, an outcome of connection driven across three levels: individual (personal connection to one’s work), role (connection to your team and supervisor) and organisation (connection through alignment to values, mission and culture).

Our solutions solve for sustainable engagement, where team members not only have the desire to go above and beyond for their organisation, but are enabled to do so by their employers, and have the energy to do so through an environment that supports wellbeing.

What are the questions my team is answering?

Our unique daily micro-data collection ensures that you can find the latest insights into your team at any point in time, and keeps survey-fatigue from creeping in!

What does it mean if someone my team has low Live Alignment?

A lower Live Alignment score indicates potential areas of friction in an individual's current experience. Our portal provides a deeper insight by evaluating three key aspects: Role, Relationships, and Culture. While the information on your portal is streamlined for clarity, it is meticulously gathered to ensure accuracy and relevance. This approach not only helps in pinpointing the areas that might need attention but also emphasizes the importance of engaging in meaningful discussions with your team. A thoughtful conversation, armed with insights from our portal, can significantly contribute to elevating your team!

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