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Full list of Archetypes

The Artisan

Curious | Detailed | Caring

“Talented, meticulous and independent, Artisans have an intrinsic need to express their individuality. Curiosity often drives the Artisan to not only explore original methods but understand the histories and customs that inform the ways things are. Their perspectives of themselves tend to be stable, proud of who they are and not contingent on how others esteem them. Artisans can have a tendency to want their work to be perfect, leading to a tendency to over-analyse and overthink. Artisans are typically happiest when their desire to create and perfect is appreciated.”


  • A unique ability to be both exceedingly creative, curious thinkers and detail-focussed and organised.

  • Artisans can put their heart and soul (and a lot of time) into their work, caring deeply about the result

  • Adaptable and imaginative, they reflect in powerful ways, informing how they proceed to re-attempt certain tasks, and how they poise themselves in different environments.


  • Artisans can have a tendency to want their work to be perfect.

  • Their non-conforming nature can mean that they do poorly with stress or time constraints.

  • Artisans can sometimes doubt themselves, and take feedback personally

Balanced driver

Understanding | Driven | Flexible

“The Balanced Driver possesses a unique combination of qualities that make them a well-rounded leader. They possess an unwavering inner drive and determination to achieve their goals, paired with a flexible mindset and the ability to understand multiple perspectives. However, they may struggle with being decisive or taking strong stances. The Balanced Driver is typically happiest in a dynamic environment, where their flexible mind and driven nature are appreciated”


  • Balanced drivers have a natural ability to adapt their thinking to understand the perspective of others

  • They have a strong source of motivation and drive

  • They take on pressure well, with natural confidence and a resilient mindset


  • Balanced drivers can lack deep knowledge in any area, prioritising knowing a bit of everything

  • They may be indecisive or have trouble prioritising due to trying to appease every perspective

  • They can get bored if focusing on the same work for too long

Charismatic Driver

Energetic | Driven | Flexible

“The Charismatic Driver is a natural leader, with a magnetic personality and the ability to inspire and rally others. They possess enthusiasm and a positive attitude that motivates those around them to work towards a shared goal. They are adept at creating a sense of purpose and direction, empowering their peers to reach their full potential, and making a lasting impact on their team and organization. However, they may also be prone to overestimating their abilities or taking on too much, which could lead to burnout or disappointment. They may also have a tendency to be disorganised and focus too much on the big picture. The Charismatic Driver is typically happiest when their strong energetic and intuitive approach, as well as their driven and charismatic nature, is appreciated.”


  • Highly intuitive and creative individuals

  • Their strong energy and charisma make them highly inspiring leaders

  • They love getting the best out of everyone and creating a positive atmosphere


  • Can be very disorganised and dismiss small but important details.

  • Creativity and intuition take over the practical and logical, they can set unrealistic goals

  • They can be restless and fail to sit back and reflect, they can also view negative feedback as dampening their energy


Passionate | Agile | Social

“Campaigners are ambitious, determined, and passionate about initiatives and causes. They have powerful charisma, a love of communication that often means they can win over sceptics and naysayers, and high energy and outstanding networking abilities. Campaigners can often seamlessly understand others’ perspectives and needs and are great at accepting these for what they are. Their intense drive for success, coupled with a tendency not to handle stress and pressure well, can sometimes lead to burnout. Campaigners make excellent assets to a company due to their ambition, determination, and passion for initiatives and causes. Campaigners are typically happiest when their passionate and energetic approach and love for connecting is appreciated.”


  • Campaigners’ energy, charisma and eloquent speech can be very inspiring

  • Strongly guided by their own goals, they see people as central to achieving these and are conscientious in their efforts to do so.

  • Diligent, self-driven and resilient, knowing when all else fails they have charm and communication strengths to fall back on.


  • With their energy and motivation for success, Campaigners can forget to sit back and reflect, or they could even burn out.

  • Their eloquence and charm make it easy for them to deflect and defer their responsibilities and mistakes towards others, or towards abstract problems.

  • Campaigners’ positive energy sometimes makes them react badly to negative feedback.

The Coach

Problem Solver | Supportive | Centered

“Coaches are known for their ability to help others learn and grow by adapting their approaches to new experiences. They have strong listening and communication skills and provide support and guidance to those around them. They have a calm and reflective demeanour, making them effective problem-solvers when under pressure. However, their practical nature can limit their creativity, and they may not be comfortable with fast-paced change or energetic leadership. Coaches are typically happiest when their desire to form connections and help others is appreciated, and their environment is quite stable.”


  • Their ability to help others learn and grow is undisputedly a core strength, developing and adjusting their approaches to experiencing the world.

  • Coaches are patient, calm, supportive, and extremely reflective.

  • They are great listeners and tend to focus on the practical reality in front of them


  • Their practical nature can stop them from exploring creative solutions and ideas

  • They can dislike fast change, and prefer to take their time getting to know each person

  • They are not necessarily the most energetic leaders and prefer a slow steady state


Agile | Interpersonal | Social

“Connectors are skilled at bringing people together in productive, positive ways. They are known for their socially agile approach to workplace settings, and ability to facilitate honest dialogue and drive objectives. Connectors are excellent networkers who love to ask questions. Their frankness, positivity, and ease of communication often make them prominent in their fields. Despite their strengths, Connectors may need help with diving deeper into more complex social issues, may not enjoy pausing and reflecting, and may prioritize short-term productivity over long-term strategies. Connectors are happiest when they have plenty of social interaction and have the ability to make a big impact within their team.”


  • The upbeat, intelligent ways they engage with those around them

  • They marry strong social sensibilities with a sense of pragmaticism

  • Able to seamlessly transition into different teams and roles


  • Connectors are terrific networkers but do not always thrive when their connecting requires them to dwell on and delve deeper into more challenging social matters

  • With a tendency to choose busy roles, Connectors can make abbreviations to their personal lives

  • Often lacking the desire to sit back and reflect, Connectors’ approaches can be too geared towards short-term productivity


Ambitious | Confident | Spontaneous

“Co-ordinators possess a unique combination of an analytical and orderly approach with social flexibility and lively energy. They are proactive in engaging with others and bringing out the best in people, often effectively organising and allocating resources to achieve shared goals. They may be impatient with considering different perspectives, or the more nuanced sides of people’s emotions. Co-ordinators are typically happiest in an environment where their organised and energised approach is appreciated.”


  • Ambition, confidence and high standards are the core of a coordinator

  • Backing themselves, and the people and the initiatives they involve themselves with, Coordinators follow through on their commitments

  • Their organised way combined with charisma and extroversion often make an exceptionally inspiring leader


  • Coordinators may have the propensity to micromanage and check in too regularly

  • Prioritising pace and structure, coordinators may not appreciate the need for emotional harmony

  • With a preference to ‘do’, and quickly, coordinators may be impatient with exploring different ideas and listening to the perspective of others


Practical | Efficient | Reliable

“The Doer is a highly organised and efficient individual, who is able to make the most of the resources available to them and simply put, loves to get things done. With a high level of inner drive, they are action-oriented and excel at prioritising tasks and managing their time effectively. Their reliability and resilience make them dependable assets in any team. However, they may have a tendency to make decisions without consulting others and may not be as interested in exploring creative options or reflecting on their approach. Doers are typically happiest when they have autonomy, and they can lean into their efficient and practical nature, as well as their strong inner drive.”


  • The Doer is highly organized and efficient, using all resources available to them

  • They are action-oriented and able to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively

  • The Doer is reliable and resilient


  • They can fail to consult others before they make decisions

  • Preferring the trial and error approach, they are not overly interested in reflecting and exploring creative options.

  • They may not be great at rallying others


Intuitive | Creative | Accepting

“The Creative Empath is a person who is highly attuned to the emotions and feelings of themselves and others and uses this sensitivity to create art, ideas, or other forms of self-expression. They tend to question societal norms and conventions and contribute to a creative and accepting atmosphere. They often have a strong desire to connect with others and to create a positive impact. They possess independent and open-minded thinking, which makes them highly creative, however, they can struggle with sticking to budgets, timelines, and structure. They may also lack resilience and react negatively to pressure and stress. The empath is typically happiest when they are in an accepting environment and their desire to build genuine connections with others is appreciated.”


  • They are very independent and open-minded thinkers, in tune with their intuition and emotions

  • They can challenge the status quo and come up with highly creative ideas

  • Can create a feeling of safe space for others to share their true thoughts and feelings


  • Can struggle to adhere to budgets, timelines and structure

  • They can lack resilience and react badly to pressure and stress

  • Can struggle to work with someone that is very structured and organised


Ambitious | Confident | Spontaneous

“The Explorer is an adventurer at heart, seeking new knowledge and experiences and embracing change with open arms. With a curious and creative nature, they are confident and reliable in uncertain situations, easily navigating unfamiliar territory with a positive outlook. Explorers value feedback, are always eager to learn and improve, and their adaptability to different environments is a true strength. They may struggle with organisation or step back and reflect. Explorers are typically happiest in a dynamic environment where they can learn, and their energy and curiosity are appreciated.” ‘


  • The breadth of their competencies allows them to be immensely adaptable to their surroundings.

  • Due to their immense propensity to take heed of feedback and environmental variables, and their excellent ability to reflect, Explorers can powerfully assert themselves in different scenarios.

  • Curiosity, spontaneity, and creativity coupled with comfort in challenging situations allow for a unique skill set


  • Spontaneity may come at the cost of preparedness and detail, only crossing bridges when they come to them.

  • Potential to underestimate the ramifications of things going pear-shaped, especially when this could have been avoided via planning and organisation.

  • Explorers can fail to accept the information put to them, especially when it is abruptly at odds with what they have been advised on a matter or topic up until that point.


Adaptive | Social | Understanding

“Generalists are known for their versatility and ability to quickly adapt to new tasks and responsibilities. They enjoy developing an understanding of various subjects and fields, which allows them to easily relate to and bridge gaps between different groups of people. They are able to see the big picture and understand how different pieces fit together. However, their diverse interests may lead to a lack of specialisation in any one area. They may also get bored with repetitive work and may struggle with taking strong stances or making decisive decisions. Generalists are typically happiest in a dynamic environment, where their ability to context switch and be involved in many different areas is appreciated. “


  • Generalists are open to and easily relate to a wide range of perspective

  • They are able to bridge gaps and bring different groups together

  • They quickly adapt to new tasks and responsibilities


  • Generalists can get bored if their work feels repetitive

  • They can lack specialisation due to their diverse interests

  • They can resist taking strong stances and put their foot down

The Guide

Analytical | Deep | Accepting

“The guide is a highly empathetic and analytical individual who is deeply invested in understanding the thoughts and feelings of others. They excel at creating a safe and open space where individuals can share their true selves and feel heard and understood. They are skilled at critically analyzing and understanding the underlying emotions and motivations of those around them. However, they may need a leader or team to provide motivation and set objectives. Additionally, they may have a tendency to overthink their own emotions and have difficulty setting boundaries for themselves. Guides are typically happiest when they are in a slower environment, where their desire to reflect, connect with others and have thoughtful conversations is appreciated.”


  • Loves to connect deeply with others and have deep conversations

  • Can create a feeling of safe space for others to share their true thoughts and feelings

  • Loves to think critically and understand what is really going on


  • Can sometimes need a leader to set ambitious objectives and motivate them

  • May tend to overthink situations or their emotional state

  • Can have a hard time setting boundaries


Fearless | Creative | Enthusiastic

“Inventors are daring individuals who constantly seek to push boundaries and explore uncharted territory. With an innate passion for the unknown, they are not afraid of taking risks and experimenting with unconventional approaches. Their innovative mindset and intuitive approach to problem-solving can be a major asset to any team, inspiring others with their positive energy and genuine excitement for their work. However, Inventors may need support with organisation and timelines. They may reject structure and rules, requiring time and freedom to explore their creativity. Inventors are typically happiest in an environment that appreciates their desire to explore and create in their own way.”


  • Inventors are refreshingly open to the full gamut of resources, materials, and contributions, receiving feedback well, even that which is negative.

  • Inventors’ approaches are highly intuitive and enthusiastic, exhibiting their genuine passion for the unknown.

  • Albeit hard to follow and replicate, Inventors’ positive energy can inspire others to really care about the work they do, and to see the value in more industrious, unconventional methods.


  • Although they happily explore and experiment autonomously, Inventors may need others to assist and support them to package and present their inventions.

  • Inventors can scoff at the idea of timelines and budgets, often being innately or even purposefully disorganised.

  • Needing time and freedom to explore their creativity, Inventors can react very negatively to stress and pressure


Connecting | Understanding | Reflecting

“A nurturer is a highly caring and accepting individual; they excel at creating a safe and open environment where individuals feel accepted and understood. They empower others to be their best selves by providing support and encouragement. However, they may need help with resilience under pressure. Additionally, they may pour too much of their energy into caring for others, neglecting their own needs and well-being. Nurturers are typically happiest where their people-focus and ability to connect are encouraged and appreciated.”


  • Nurturers care deeply about the people in their life

  • They tend to create a safe and open environment where people feel accepted

  • They empower others to be their best


  • Nurtners are not known to be resilient and don’t do well under pressure

  • They can seem too emotional to highly logical people

  • They can pour too much of their energy into others, and forget to care for their own wellbeing


Energetic | Resourceful | Social

“Promoters bring a wealth of energy, enthusiasm, and love for interpersonal connection to the table. Their ability to captivate and influence others, as well as build strong relationships, is often a core part of their personality. Their genuine fascination with people, combined with their smooth communication capabilities, helps to build trust and rapport with clients, customers and colleagues. They spread positivity and are well-liked by their peers, creating a collaborative and inclusive work environment. However, their tendency not to be the strongest critical and analytical thinkers and their struggle to hold others accountable and be direct when required are areas where they may need support and development. Promoters are typically happiest when their love of social interaction and communication skills are encouraged and appreciated.”


  • Influencing others about products, services, and ideas is undoubtedly a strength for Promoters, captivating and connecting with people to do so.

  • They are genuinely fascinated by the ways people engage in and experience their livelihoods, with communication capabilities that ease others in unfamiliar environments.

  • Promoters spread their positive energy around and are often well-liked by their peers


  • Despite their ability to transverse different environments smoothly, Promoters are not the strongest critical and analytical thinkers.

  • They can sometimes gloss over the true logic and reasoning underpinning what they commit themselves to.

  • Difficulty in setting boundaries, saying “no”, holding others accountable and being direct when necessary.

People-centric driver

Connecting | Flexible | Driven

“The people-centric driver is a leader who is deeply interested in the well-being and success of their team members. They tend to understand that a happy and engaged team leads to greater productivity and success. They are highly approachable and supportive, actively listening to the needs and concerns of their team members and creating an open and transparent environment for communication and collaboration. However, they may struggle with organisation and practicality and may have difficulty setting firm boundaries. Additionally, they may forget to prioritise their own well-being in their focus on the well-being of their team. The People-Centric Driver is typically happiest when their desire to connect with others and their drive towards success based on well-being and collaboration is appreciated.”


  • People-centric drivers combine a true passion for people with a deep drive and high motivation

  • They tend to match their energy to the people they work with

  • They build close teams with a focus on wellbeing


  • People-centric drivers can be disorganised and gloss over the practicality of things

  • They can struggle to have firm stances and boundaries, especially if they are unpopular with others

  • They can forget to prioritise their own well being


Fearless | Reliable | Organised

“Realistic, highly structured and analytical; Protectors are extremely organised and mindful of details, often sure of themselves and their work. They are among, if not the, strongest performers when under pressure, promoting the morale of teams through an excellent grasp of reason, purpose and motivation. Heavily bound to principles, Protectors are disciplined and loyal. They often have a strong belief in honesty and integrity, and speak up when values are undermined. They can sometimes lack flexibility in their approach or finesse in their communication style Protectors are typically happiest in an environment where their resilience, structured approach and loyalty is appreciated.”


  • Protectors are often able to confidently articulate their perspectives, even when others find it difficult to share theirs.

  • Protectors are unphased by pressure, drawing on strong analytical realistic propensities, and their underlying confidence, to navigate tricky terrains.

  • Protectors participate well in hierarchical settings, they recognize and respect seniors, value others’ experiences, and often foster close connections with others.


  • Protectors can be known to pushback against changing tides, especially when these involve approaches and objectives that challenge a Protector’s fundamental beliefs and standards.

  • Protector’s fundamental beliefs and standards. Protectors, at times, need to make a concerted effort to listen to views and values that do challenge their own.

  • They can sometimes value order and principles over feelings and people.


Insightful | Interpersonal | Trusted

“Supporters are known for their strong desire to connect with and help others, whether it’s through practical or emotional support. They excel at creating a safe and accepting space for others, and their strengths include being particularly good at providing insightful and constructive advice. Building close relationships with others is a natural skill of theirs, as is being helpful in every sense. However, Supporters can struggle with finding the balance between their own needs and those of others which can result in becoming too thinly spread and may need encouragement to reflect or help to find structure in ambiguous situations. Supporters are typically happiest in a calm space, where they can focus on connecting with and supporting others.”


  • Particularly good with advice, assistance and acceptance of others in meaningful ways

  • Privy to the inner workings of people and processes, they build close, lasting relationships

  • Helpful in every sense, they are not afraid to get their hands dirty


  • Supports can get stretched too thin by trying to meet the needs of others, sometimes neglecting their own wellbeing

  • Their outward focus can make it difficult for them to be introspective

  • Supporters are not the most autonomous and can struggle with ambiguity or lack of direction from others


Analytical | Structured | Resilient

“Strategists are highly analytical and skilled in gathering, translating, combining, and communicating information from various sources. They excel in identifying areas for improvement and adapting to environmental changes. Their realistic approach and ability to process complex information make them ideal for bringing about successful change. However, their focus on structure and practicality can sometimes lead to communication difficulties and friction with less organised or creative individuals. Strategists are typically happiest in a dynamic environment where they can lean into their insightful, detailed and analytical nature”


  • Strategists are realists, they do not get carried away with fanciful thoughts

  • Collecting and making sense of complex information is no sweat for the Strategist

  • Strategists couple their resilience with remarkable adaptability


  • Strategists do not always possess the communications capabilities to engage others and share their analytical findings

  • Structure and a hunger for resolution via highly practical approaches can mean Strategists encounter friction with those who think in less organised ways

  • Creative individuals will not always find working with Strategists a breeze, and vice versa


Driven | Creative | Resilient

“Shapers are energetic and independent individuals who thrive in high-pressure environments. Their drive and initiative to push progress and achieve results, often in creative ways, make them highly effective in leading projects and teams towards success. They often strive to meet their own high standards and achieve their goals for themselves and their team. However, their strong focus on goals can sometimes lead to them neglecting the feelings and needs of others, and they may need more patience to communicate effectively and build support among their peers. They continuously strive to meet their high standards and achieve their goals for themselves and their team. Shapers are typically happiest when their competitive drive and resilience are appreciated, and they can approach work in their own way.”


  • Often excellent at mustering motivation, courage, and goal focus, even when they are stretched across conflicting demands and high-pressure environments.

  • Formidably driven, Shapers appreciate the power of visions and goals, and do not hesitate to create these, even when the odds are stacked against them.

  • Self-accountable, and holding themselves to high standards, they shuffle priorities and plans to facilitate overarching goals


  • With their incredible drive, they are not the most sensitive to other people’s feelings, interests, and needs, often believing these hamper progress.

  • They can lack the patience to clearly articulate themselves to and rally the support of others.

  • With a natural tendency to rush and ‘go’, Shapers can have issues with organisation and look over small but important details.


Analytical | Reliable | Driven

“The Specialist is known for their highly organized and logical approach to work. With a deep inner drive and motivation, they are able to effectively prioritize tasks, manage time and make well-informed decisions under pressure. Their systematic and methodical approach and direct and clear communication style inspire a culture of efficiency and productivity. However, they may need help with finessed communication and may be perceived as poor listeners. They may also prefer tried and true methods and can lack flexibility or open-mindedness in their work approach. The Specialist is typically happiest when their driven and diligent nature, directness and logical approach are appreciated.”


  • Often enjoys accumulating deep knowledge in their respective field

  • Great at focusing and executing in a concrete and detailed manner

  • Gets things done with efficiency and clarity


  • Lacking some social sophistication, they can be seen as poor listeners or even arrogant

  • Preferring tried and true methods, they can lack flexibility in their work approach

  • With such focus on their concrete situation, they may forget to focus on long-term planning and outcomes


Practical | Trusted | Resilient

“Technicians excel in methodical and thoughtful approaches, remain composed under pressure, and are quick to recognise deviations from intended plans. Their passion for rules and techniques and their practical and dependable nature make them efficient and productive in time-constrained environments. However, they can be slightly one-dimensional in their approach and prefer known methods to explore options. Despite these limitations, they make trusted and confident team members and are driven by a practical and thoughtful approach. Technicians are typically happiest when their stable and organised approach is appreciated, and their responsibilities don’t switch too much.”


  • Faring well in settings subject to time constraints, Technicians will be task-focused to promote efficiency and progress.

  • With a strong, logical work ethic, Technicians realise practical solutions to problems.

  • Technicians get the task done with efficiency, and reliable consistency, and rarely lose their temper.


  • Technicians can be direct and not appreciate the nuances of emotion and communication.

  • With a preference to do, they can be uninterested in exploring options and question why.

  • Technicians can be uncomfortable with ambiguity and change, drawn to like-minded, pragmatic doers, they look to perform autonomously when they cannot be surrounded by such people.


Problem Solver | Contemplative | Objective

“Thinkers are remarkable ruminators, elevating and arranging their thoughts in highly intelligent ways. They love researching and contemplating topics, and are a valuable resource when it comes to deciphering complex ideas and tasks. With a quiet critical approach, Thinkers can evaluate and question information easily, and apply their thought processes and judgements to big-picture ideas. They interpret in informative ways, exploring reason and creativity in tandem. As strong advocates for objectivity and impartiality, Thinkers often confidently strive for deeper meanings in life and work. Thinkers can sometimes struggle with valuing logic over feelings, leaving hurt feelings, or valuing thought over actions leading to indecisiveness. Thinkers are typically happiest where their reflective nature and desire to learn and understand are appreciated.”


  • Thinkers advocate for objectivity and impartiality whilst being confidently independent, striving for deeper meanings throughout life and work.

  • Thinkers can conceptually distance themselves from tasks and environments, and perform evaluations from objective standpoints.

  • They do not fancy subjective, social motifs, and especially dislike it when these usurp the footing afforded to facts in decision-making processes.


  • Thinkers can stray from overarching project objectives, sometimes digressing into completely different directions, without consulting others beforehand.

  • Thinkers are not the strongest when it comes to appreciating emotions and social connection, and forgetting that these can also be meaningful while workshopping ideas and determining approaches.

  • Thinkers may also have a tendency to prefer thinking over doing, leading to indecisiveness and inaction.

Thoughtful Driver

Analytical | Driven | Curious

“The Thoughtful Driver is a leader who excels in both contemplation and creativity. Pushed by a strong inner drive, they love to develop a deep understanding of complex issues and make well-informed decisions that benefit the team. They are open-minded, intelligent and always willing to listen to feedback. However, they may struggle with balancing logic and emotion, potentially appearing uninterested in the personal concerns of their team members. Due to their contemplative nature, they may fall into the trap of failing to make fast and important decisions. The Thoughtful Driver is typically happiest in an environment where they can lead and direct, and where their reflecting and thoughtful nature is appreciated. “


  • Thoughtful drivers love to reflect and find the truth and are often very intelligent

  • They do not make rash decisions without thinking through

  • They are a driven leader and open to feedback in discussions


  • With a tendency to prioritise logic and thought above feelings, they may appear uninterested in their people

  • They may fall into the trap of overthinking and perfectionism

  • They can be too risk-averse and struggle to make uncomfortable decisions

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