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General Information for Leaders & HR

🧠 Profiling your organisation

Brain profiling supports you in objectively assessing an individual's personality traits, workplace preferences and interaction styles. When applied across an entire organisation, these insights can be used to inform hiring decisions, create personalised development plans, and build cohesive teams.

With ploomo, your organisation can

  • Identify the preferences of employees, supporting your hiring decisions and development plans. For example, employers can use the insights gained from psychometric testing to find the right fit for a specific role or to develop a plan to help an employee succeed in their current role.

  • Promote engagement by using insights from the test to create customised development plans, leading to happier, more productive employees who are more likely to stay with the organisation.

  • Build cohesive teams with support to identify the personalities and strengths of employees. This information can be used to create teams that work well together and complement each other's skills, leading to better collaboration, communication, and ultimately, better results.

To find out more, read our article on “optimising team performance with brain profiling”.

📄 Using brain profiling for hiring, succession planning, promotions

Our predictive placement solution assists you to find the right person for your vacancy, be it an external hire, internal promotion, lateral movement or contractor.

With Predictive Placement, you can:

  • Align on role requirements: Our Role Profiling assessment helps you identify the characteristics that are most important for a given role, ensuring that HR and hiring managers are on the same page.

  • Get to know your candidates: Our solution gives you a deeper understanding of how your candidates think, work, communicate, and interact with others, giving you a more complete picture of their fit for the role.

  • Assess fit: Using our predictive algorithms, we can determine how well a candidate's profile aligns with the role requirements and highlight any potential challenges.

  • Set your placement up for success: The role profiling report can be used as a conversation starter with the placed candidate, helping them understand the expectations of the role and hit the ground running.

👥 Using brain profiling for engagement, retention, and development of leadership capabilities

Employee engagement doesn’t just correlate with great organisations, it can create them. ploomo’s approach to elevating team connection and engagement consists of four elements:

Profiling process

We use tools like:

  • Brain profiling;

  • role design profiling; and

  • team profiling

to get a preliminary understanding of team member preferences. Preferences, dynamics and potential points of frustration are surfaced in a Profile Report.

Live Alignment:

At ploomo, we define workplace engagement as the art and science of how connected, excited and positive team members feel about their work. Characterised by absorption, enthusiasm and commitment, engagement is a continuum, an outcome of connection driven across three pillars:

  • Role - how you feel about your role and responsibilities

  • Relationships - how you feel about your team and the people you work closest to

  • Culture - how you feel about the wider company and culture

Our solutions solve for sustainable engagement, where team members not only have the desire to go above and beyond for their organisation, but are enabled to do so by their employers, and have the energy to do so through an environment that supports wellbeing.

Micro data collection 

We collect data through quick daily questions such as “I believe my manager understands the challenges I face in my role” and “I see myself working here two years from now”.

We then collate and analyse this data to create general insights about what your people are experiencing in their day-to-day work. We point you toward areas with potential friction points where your time and effort are likely most meaningfully invested. It’s important to note that a lower score does not mean that someone is not doing a great job, we are suggesting areas which could over time lead to disengagement or other challenges.

What can I do with these insights?

Based on all your people data, Brain and Role profiles, configuration risk and Live Alignment data, we provide you with a monthly report about what is going on in your organisation which will suggest areas to work with.

Some of the things we can help you with to elevate your people are:

  • Proactively identify risk and avoid regrettable exits

  • Identify misaligned individuals early to course-correct and save time

  • Replace your exit interviews with data directly from the source

  • Redesign roles to find the best fit

  • Identify your top performers and put data behind what makes them great

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