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Role Profiles

What is a Role Profile?

Our Role Profiling assessment identifies the characteristics that are most important for a given role, ensuring that you, your manager and HR are on the same page.

The foundation of the Role Profile is the same as our Brain Profiles, but instead of assessing a person's preferences, we assess role characteristics. We are assessing the same categories as you are already familiar with, which we can then match with a person’s brain profile to find role alignment.

It is important to understand that low role alignment does not indicate your ability to excel in that role. Instead, a low alignment can indicate the likelihood of potential challenges to long term engagement.

Take our guided tour of your role profile:

(lightbulb) TIP: For detailed information, open this in a new window.

How is the role profiled?

The role is profiled by collecting data through a survey (usually completed by HR or manager), which is then analysed to create the profile for that role.

Thinking Style Definitions

Logic - Applying critical analysis, prioritizing objectivity

Conceptual- Big-picture-thinking fueled by curiosity and possibilities

Systematic - Thinking practically and sequentially, going deep into details

People-Oriented - Connecting with others through empathy and intuition

Application and Interaction Style Definitions

Initiative Style
Tendency to initiate action or respond to circumstances

Environment Preference

Environmental preference for ambiguity and change or clarity and stability

Reflection Style
Approach to problem-solving and decision-making

Discipline Style
Approach to completing tasks and achieving goals

Social Adaptability

Tendency to adapt self-expression in social settings or be consistent

Energy Type
The impact of external factors on an individual's energy levels

Temperament Range

An individual's emotional composure and level of responsiveness

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