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Reflection Topics

The Power of Reflection Topics in Your Professional Growth

Ever found yourself overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of daily tasks, only to realize you've lost sight of personal growth areas you're passionate about? Enter: Reflection Topics.

One feature of the live sentiment program is reflection questions. Once a month, we give you a selection of topics that you can choose from to focus on. Around once a week, you will receive a thoughtful question to help you check in with yourself and ensure your topic stays top of mind.

Why is it Essential?

  1. Consistency in Growth: Consistent check-ins on specific topics keep them fresh in your mind. This consistency is vital for development in areas that matter most to you.

  2. Accountability to Self: This is YOUR space. These reflection points allow for personal accountability, ensuring that you're not just moving, but progressing. Your responses don’t feed into data collected for your organisation.

  3. Front of Mind, Top of List: With life's distractions, it's easy for personal development areas to slip through the cracks. By revisiting reflection topics, they remain front and centre, driving your growth agenda.

Dive into Monthly Topics:

Every month, we offer a range of topics that you can choose from. Here's a sneak peek into the kind of topics and accompanying reflection questions:

  • Feedback: Emphasises the importance of both giving and receiving feedback constructively. The type of question you might receive: "How would you rate your effort in giving feedback this week?"

  • Time Management: Focusing on effectively organising your time to balance tasks and priorities. The type of question you might receive: "Reflecting on the past week, how have you gone with planning out your tasks before jumping in?"

  • Mindfulness: Encouraging conscious awareness and presence in your daily activities and interactions. The type of question you might receive: "Looking back on the past week, how successful were you in pausing to collect your thoughts?"

  • Goal Progression: Steering your attention towards achieving your main objectives and milestones. The type of question you might receive: "Reflecting on the past week, how would you rate your efforts in keeping main goals front of mind?"

  • Leadership: Building on recognising team needs and leading with empathy and effectiveness. The type of question you might receive: "How mindful have you been in recognising and responding to the needs of team members this week?"

  • Communication: Enhancing your skills in listening, understanding, and conveying your thoughts. The type of question you might receive: "Looking back a week, how would you rate your efforts in understanding other perspectives in conversations?"

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